Thursday, February 17, 2022

Concession to Convention

Our public Lands, frequently managed by the Bureau of Land Management, are often in remote places where one can safely surmise that one has it to one's self. But on occasion I've seen postings by The Bureau where they evidently felt it necessary to constrain behavior warning that due to the potential proximity of others, nudity is not allowed. 

Like Paul Weiner (deceased), I eschew clothing. Not for any principaled reason, but simply because I don't like the feel of cloth against my skin. 

Though there is little traffic on the road in Kofa, any is some. In a concession to convention and a placatory nod to the BLM, I not only don underpants, but augment the concession with shorts...such as they are.

Crafted from long pants that've seen better days, they rip and tear as I squat, bend over and otherwise cavort about. 


  1. My uniform on the property is a workman-style kilt. Rugged and freeing. My first one survived 15 years of daily abuse and the second shows no sign of giving up yet

  2. OMG! THIS could be the start of a new fashion trend.

    Pictures? It would seem cruel to mention such a unique bit of attire without modeling it for us, your readers and fans; especially if you use one of your the Elvis one?

    1. Oh dear Lord! Nobody wants to see my ratty old-man legs!! Not really sure I have any fans, but if I do now I wouldn't after showing my gams!

      I wear the Spartan by Utilikilt (.com) good heavy, hard-wearing fabric, and a couple of generous pockets. A bit pricey but I bought the one I'm wearing now (literally) prior to 2015 when they were still using the "honest inch" sizing and despite daily wear, some hard tracks of glue-dribble, and a few spots of paint it isn't even close to needing replacing.

    2. THAT is totally cool! How'd you hear about them?

      I'll have to get my VISA down a bit more before buying, but am already thinking to ask if they'll make me a two-tone workman with green on top. Perfect!
