Sunday, July 19, 2020

Small Accidents Synchronicity...and Everything in Its Place

We left Albuquerque (that's the Royale WE, Phoebe and I) around 2:00 in the afternoon and over the next hour and a half made it about 25 miles to Tohajiilee. The sun was hot and we were exhausted from the exertions of departure.

I managed to clear enough space where the front passenger seat used to be to make room for my torso. My feet went atop the cooler....a sort of barque-o-lounger position with a hint of Pilates. I woke two hours later much refreshed. There was a Shaved Ice place about 300 feet (0.09km -- but I put it in FEET for you-know-who....she HATES the metric system!!) away but what with all the Covid & HPV going around, I passed.

ANYWAY, as luck would have it, one of those damn middle-of-the-night farts required a change of drawers. I got out two....Justin Case (he's a relative of Damfino Michelle discovered somewhere along the way).

This morning, when I went to arrange things before morning coffee, I tossed the soiled & chagrined toward the laundry bag and returned the "extra" to their proper place in the luggage. Something about putting things where they belong leant a kinesthesiatic delight to my first morning back outside. Once again I can FEEL what's isn't "enclosed" in a sheet-rock lozenge surrounded by pavement. And no crotch-rockets winding through their gears.

AAAAHHHHH! Bliss, or nearly; now where IS that woman?

Back in the saddle again, albeit with slightly loose bowels. (Aww, maaaaAAAAAN!!)



  1. Congrats on getting back out.. The shaved ice craze hasn’t hit Wisconsin yet. The dairy industry, probably.

  2. Starting over on comments... WHY can't we EDIT them? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

    Congrats on your escape from the jungle of undesirable sights and sounds.

    Thank you for the most kind consideration of noting feet/metric - because yes, I am the stubborn, old, all-American girl that never learned metric in school and doesn't want to learn now.

    I haven't ever had to deal with accidental liquid anal emissions while on a journey, but your candid admission has sparked my memories of my father. He drove truck for a living here and there. I will need to blog about that someday and when I do, I will send you the link or tag you, but I think you're already subscribed to my junk. Needless to say, Justin Case wasn't known to him!

    ... It's a really good thing you hadn't decided to go commando.

    1. I blogged. Pin a medal on me! How in the H do I insert a link here?
