Monday, August 15, 2022

Anthony Lake - NOT

Due to its higher elevation & cooler temps, Anthony Lake came highly recommended. With 9 miles still to go and it being past time to make camp, I took the first forest road.

Camp was just above the pavement and the traffic convinced me to explore the forest road. It ended at a trailhead where I, for the first time in decades, headed out.

A Venerable Sign

I wasn't able to go far, a straight-line distance of a little over 1,500'. And though it only ascended from 5048' to 5138', for a stretch I was leaning forward at about a 15-degree angle and using a real, live stair-stepper.

Beyond the top and starting down the other side, I checked Google Maps for the distance to Dutch Flat Creek. A mere 16 minutes, and all downhill. I'd been on the trail more than two hours; I doubted I could make it back up.

A Nameless Reservoir

It'd been 12 hours since morning meds. Usually I take 'em 8 hours apart skipping the middle of the night dose.  Nearing camp I noticed some twinge, but nothing of concern. 

I'd have liked to see how long it'd have taken me, but today was a gift!


  1. I'd take that as a win! Down the other side or not it sounds like a great hike.

    1. Greg,

      I checked the distance and it was .4 of a mile. For someone who "hikes" that's a scoffable distance, but it was an enjoyable two hours. Despite the exertion I had no angina. I was surprised to see two hours had gone by, but that's what it's like when you take three steps up a steep slope and have to rest five minutes. It makes me laugh though, when I recall my youth and taking the Hermit Trail out of Grand Canyon cuz I was bored with the Bright Angel; and a 60pd pack was normal.
