Sunday, May 13, 2018

Jean-Robert P. Béffort - Silver City Artist

"Go to A Space," they all said. We found a phone number on the Silver City Art Asocciation's website. He IS on Facebook.

Jean Robert Beffort (pronounced Bay-four), with an accent over the e, French-Canadian via Montana (Here's a short biography) said he'd be there.

Once a car dealership, it's now a gallery, studio, performance space with an area called Art-On-A-Stick where even YOU can partake impromptu.

Back When Tee-Vees came enclosed in wood.

The blue ball (above) is wound ethernet cable. It weighs over 400 pounds.

There's a stage

Videos on his Facebook Page:

The link below is from Facebook. It's of Dee Washburn performing "Super-Trucker."


  1. Good stuff mAynArd....!!!....Mr. a)spAce

    1. Ah, Mr. a)sp..."A"(c)e ... an honor to receive your comment!!!

      Thank you.
