Thursday, February 15, 2024

Take Your LSD, Dear....


...and you'll be alright.

I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed and it was all I could do to hold the phone; talking was an incredible effort. Ever since reading how Aldous had asked Laura to inject him with LSD as he waa dying, I've wanted to go that way too. But I couldn't get up to get it.

I called the Doulas and they were busy. I called the caregiver who was with Susan, Michelle's mom, when she died. She too was busy. Finally, I called Michelle. When I'd left her lasr night she was grimacing in pain as she hopped the 15 feet from her bed to the bathroom. I really didn't think she could get to me. It's a small house, but given her level of pain, it's a long way to the Smirket Room (SR). But she managed to cut me a dose and pass it into my upturned palm. 

This painting by Janet Rontz provides nice contrast to the wall of the SR. I haven't heard from the Rontz's in decades. No doubt they died long ago. Janet made large paintings of flowers....the ones she saw on their visits to Hawai'i. This was an anomoly in her oeuvré.

Less than 10 hours later and I'm not bak on muh feets, but d'mouf iz movin' agin, ah kin tawk.At 256 pds an' rising, there's some ambivalence about whether that's a good thang. 


  1. This felt like the final act. The house lights are still down. Ms. Rontz passed away in 2010 at 90 years of age. Dietrich Rontz followed her in death to where ever in 2014, also at 90 years of age.

    1. Thank you, Art, for looking that up.
