Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Melon

We stopped at Kayenta for gas. A short distance away a gentleman was selling some yellow round things. I went over to see.

"Canaries," he called 'em. Said they were from Utah and he'd nearly sold out the eight thousand pounds he'd brought down. The cheapest was five dollars, out of my budget these days. We chatted a bit about our heritages and he decided that since I was a foreigner, in the heart of Navajo Land, he'd gift me with one.

There's something about accepting a gift from someone whose family has suffered -- and is still subject to -- untold miseries at the hands of the dominant culture.

It was one of the sweetest, most delicious cantaloupes I've ever eaten.

1 comment:

  1. Southwestern fruit. Nice. Frost has ended the season on the colder fringes of the upper midwest. Exchanges of life are often worth more than $5.
