I'm apolitical, but appreciate the work of these folks. Mostly attorneys, they exemplify the fine art of argument.
The case below, filed on behalf of these organizations and people:
Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Grand Canyon Trust, Western Watersheds Project, WildEarth Guardians, Natural Resources Defense Council, WildLands Defense, Thomas L. Fleischner, and the Sierra Club
is an excellent example -- In My Esteemed Opinion (IMEO) -- of what Advocates for the West does best. That is...take on an organization (BLM) that lambastes everyone to LEAVE NO TRACE!!! while not just allowing but FURTHERING the destruction of an area (Canyon of the Ancients National Monument) purported to contain more ancient Native American "sites" than any other place on the planet.
Please donate.
8/28/15 - I spent two days in Santa Fe in support of wolf recovery and opposing trapping of bears and cougars. It was a real eye opener to watch the State Game Commission completely ignore the wishes of thousands of New Mexicans who've emailed, phoned and attended many meetings to oppose the use of trap and snares to hunt cougars and bears. Not only did they vote to raise the number of animals that can be killed, but to now allow trapping and snaring State lands. Given this kind of blatant disregard, I see no way to implement the majorities' wishes other than through legal action.