Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Trundlng toward Sonoita, I stumbled into Le Cegeunita Natl Conservation Area, an attempt to restore the Black-footed Prairie Dog. Remnant Sacaton (tall) grasses from pre-cattle days add perspective to the devastation of over-grazing. Didn't see no dawgs tho'.

There're (note correct grammar rather than vernacular: there's) two camping areas but you'll be hard-pressed to distinguish 'em. No tables er far rings. Jus' designated areas with scattered locations whar thuh grass's been trodded away. Dispersed camping is allowed except in certain "zones."

Eastbound. Doesn't Phoebe sorta remind you of Zippy the Pinhead? Cowboy hat on dash is ready identifier as: "one of them."


  1. you know, i keep seeing examples of an effort in the US, which i feel Canada can learn from. Fantastic.
