Saturday, November 24, 2018

A Plague of Nutrias

The decimation of a field of Pie...a sure sign of Nutrias!

Some 20 years or so ago, Michelle noticed the mention of nutrias in tales by James Lee Burke. With her proclivity for parody, she put together a portrait which we adopted much the way the LGBTQ-WXYZ community now generalizes themselves as "queer." 

Their long, yellow teeth indicative of a dietary staple --- pumpkin pie --- their dimensionality a direct result of their inclination to "mow through" a dozen (or two) doughnuts, quarts of ice cream, Mexican Food and anything else with a preponderance of fat and sugar COMBINED with a languid and lethargic lifestyle given to naaaaaps (like cats) fits us perfectly.

Scroll down in this post to see a card with a drawing (by me).


  1. Replies
    1. It was, for me, the most significant part of our wedding ceremony vows.

