Friday, March 2, 2018

Trundling West and North

We camped, after viewing the video and waiving all rights to claims of injury or indiscretion, on the Barry M Goldwater Range (BMGR) East. Scatterings of druzy quartz add to the thrills of hiking.

This hilltop redoubt had us wondering whether it was part of the early Homeland Security efforts.


  1. How does one go about getting permission? And did the A-10 Warthogs visit?

  2. Al, by now you've discovered permits are available from the Cabeza Prieta Visitors Center. I hate to admit it, it's SO unpatriotic, but I wouldn't know an A-10 if I saw one. And to top it off, I don't think I've ever voted in a Presidential election. Ever since I read about our involvement in the ousting of Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman in 1954 I've felt nothing but disdain for politics...and military aircraft.
    See: A-10s, now long-since obsolete, production stopped in '84, cost (a mere) 18.1M ea.
