In Socorro, buying beer, the cashier asked to see some identification. Even after my hairy eyeball she, with the sweetness only a woman can conjure, informed my driver's license'ld expire in three days.
Thinking to avoid the long drive back, I took a number in Truth or Consequences. There, perhaps a projection, perhaps not, I worked to detect a hint of solace nestled in her comment: "We're Homeland Security Compliant." "Congratulations!" I rejoined. She followed it with a Teutonic-inflected, "Und your dokumentayshun ist INadeqvit!"
UPDATE 1/23/18 5:46 pm
I returned to ABQ, files, adequate documentation, and took a number at the nearest Albuquerque Motor Vehicle Division facility.
The "helpful lady" circulating through the crowd said it was all about quelling terrorism. And her son is a Green Beret and he knows ALL about terrorists!!
Eventually, as with constipation, it came out in the end.
Well, hell. Quell.