EC634 is marked by the ubiquitous fiberglass "pole" about 200 feet from the highway. It's about 20 miles north of I-8 on S34 (Ogilby Rd). Blink and you miss it.
It'd be a fine place to layover but for the two sets of railroad track about ten miles south. In this land of not-much-to-absorb-sound, I mistook the train for an idling F-15. A chance siting the next day -- of the train -- enlightened me.
On Saturday mornings you may awaken to the sound of minimally-muffled motors wafting o'er the plain. I surmised there was a race in the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area. C'mon everybody!!! Let's all go for a competitive DRIVE!!
The delirious bees stagger about quoting Mae West - "Too much of a good thing is wonderful!"
Now, after a bit of confusion (it might have been catclaw) we've decided it is, in fact, FAIRY DUSTER - Calliandra eriophylla. It smells sorta like mimosa.